Why crm is not enough for your fiber journey.


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Why crm is not enough for your fiber journey – Potential problems with choosing wrong solutions.

There are usually a lot of questions when you first start building your fiber net. One of these questions is about what systems you need in order to roll out your fiber net effectively. Since the main goal is to get customers to your new net, many fiber operators think that they need a CRM-system.

If you choose this option, there’s a chance that the CRM-system won’t be able to handle the needs of the fiber operator’s business once the customers start streaming in. The risk here is a very long, costly and difficult process to broaden and complete the CRM-system with other systems and adjustments.


In this whitepaper you will learn:

  • Strong focus on network automation.

  • Continuous improvement of performance monitoring capabilities.

  • Incorporate Netadmin into the existing service-oriented architecture as a network abstraction layer, enabling vendor agnostic provisioning automation and monitoring.

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